Wednesday 20 December 2017

Winter Solstice

I know there are a million blog posts floating around about the solstice.. 
but hey.. here is one more :)

Our house loves this time of year... and luckily we have had a bit of snow the last couple of days to help us celebrate the returning of the light!

We take out our holiday Lego and build it together!  It our version of a gingerbread house... that we don't eat but play with for a couple weeks before we disassemble and put away for another year.

Here is a book that was recommended to me that we are really enjoying this year... 

 by Carolyn McVickar Edwards

Not only do we enjoy the tales... we also look up the cultures and animals featured in each story... always some sort of learning happening :)

Of course, it is a perfect time of year to go over some astronomy... 

We made some borax crystals the other day as we waited impatiently for the snow...  I must admit, this was the first year I've done them.  They were fun and turned out great!  

Super easy.....
1. Boil water in the kettle
2. Dissolve 3Tbps of Borax for every 1 cup of water
3. Suspend some pipecleaner shapes in the super saturated solution
4. Let the crystals grow over the next 24 hours 

Here is a YouTube video Grow your Own Crystals!

Our family solstice traditions are pretty simple... 
1. Go outside for some fun... 
we have done everything 
from sledding to snowshoeing, 
sometimes with headlamps ;)
2. Have a fire with hot cocoa and popcorn.
3. Everyone gets new jammies and a new book to curl up with. 

Go out there and welcome back the sun with a celebration of your own!
Happy Winter Solstice!