Tuesday 3 July 2018

All about sharks....

We just loved our coral reef unit!  Goober was interested in all the sharks we came across during our study so it was only natural to delve deeper.....

 Here is how we do it:
 1. Read a book or three
2. Complete one or two lapbook elements per day
3.  Watch some great videos and documentaries
4. Assemble the lapbook
5. Finish off with a great 'fun' movie night!
My favourite free lapbook website (Homeschool share) set us up with a perfect lapbook!
Here are the books we used:
And this gem that I have been recently introduced to... 
make sure you check out all the science comics!!
And other great books you can find at your local library!!
We found some great videos....
The Shark Academy playlist on YouTube is fantastic!  

Super Sharks- Scishow Kids

It's not a science unit without a Sir David Attenborough documentary.....

 Here is a sample of the finished lapbook....  
and yes Goober wrote hangry on the diet minibook :)

We didn't actually watch a 'fun' movie for this unit... we were so enthralled with Blue Planet we ended up watching Blue Planet II for fun...:)

 Sharks are really cool!