Wednesday 20 December 2017

Winter Solstice

I know there are a million blog posts floating around about the solstice.. 
but hey.. here is one more :)

Our house loves this time of year... and luckily we have had a bit of snow the last couple of days to help us celebrate the returning of the light!

We take out our holiday Lego and build it together!  It our version of a gingerbread house... that we don't eat but play with for a couple weeks before we disassemble and put away for another year.

Here is a book that was recommended to me that we are really enjoying this year... 

 by Carolyn McVickar Edwards

Not only do we enjoy the tales... we also look up the cultures and animals featured in each story... always some sort of learning happening :)

Of course, it is a perfect time of year to go over some astronomy... 

We made some borax crystals the other day as we waited impatiently for the snow...  I must admit, this was the first year I've done them.  They were fun and turned out great!  

Super easy.....
1. Boil water in the kettle
2. Dissolve 3Tbps of Borax for every 1 cup of water
3. Suspend some pipecleaner shapes in the super saturated solution
4. Let the crystals grow over the next 24 hours 

Here is a YouTube video Grow your Own Crystals!

Our family solstice traditions are pretty simple... 
1. Go outside for some fun... 
we have done everything 
from sledding to snowshoeing, 
sometimes with headlamps ;)
2. Have a fire with hot cocoa and popcorn.
3. Everyone gets new jammies and a new book to curl up with. 

Go out there and welcome back the sun with a celebration of your own!
Happy Winter Solstice!

Tuesday 14 November 2017


On to explorers as we take a trip through Canadian history!  First up Vikings!
There are so many great books and resources..

Here's what we did:
1. Read some books together.
2. Watched some short videos.
3. Each kidlet had a historical fiction book to read on their own.
4. Some fun activities.
5. Sweet Pea included a notebooking page in her Canadian History notebook, Goober did some mini books for the explorers lapbook he is putting together.
6. Watched a fun completely non historical movie with popcorn!  

The book I'm using as a spine is The Story of Canada.


 We read these books together.

From the cover:
" Leif is a sturdy, blond-haired Viking boy who crosses uncharted seas to an unknown land with his father. Written in the spirit of the ancient sagas and rich in color and detail, Leif the Lucky is a fascinating biography of the young Viking explorer."

From the cover:
"Craig Moodie's finely crafted adventure novel tells the story of twelve-year-old Finn, who stows away to search for his lost father and brothers. It's a journey that brings storms, shipwreck, tense encounters with the inhabitants of an unexplored continent -- and a coming of age for Finn, who will in the end, face his father as a young man and a Viking."

There are some great Viking videos.. 
as always we love anything Crash course... 


And an oldie from the National Film Board- The Vinland Mystery

Goober (age 8) had these books on his list.......

From the cover:
"Since discovering the Canadian Flyer, a magical time-traveling sled, in Emily’s attic, Matt and Emily have met fearsome pirates in Frobisher Bay, outrun dinosaurs in the Alberta badlands, and panned for gold in the Yukon. In Yikes! Vikings!, Emily and Matt have the incredible experience of joining Eriksson and his crew on their historic journey to Vinland in the year 1001. Almost 500 years before Columbus, Viking Leif Eriksson was the first European to set foot on North American soil. But will the kids’ ingenuity save the day when a crew member gets lost in the new land?"

From the cover:
"When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #15: Viking Ships at Sunrise, they had lots of questions. Why did Vikings go on raids? Did they really wear horned helmets? What were Viking ships like? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about Vikings." 

Sweet Pea's (age 11) list included...

From the cover:
"Keira, kidnapped from Ireland by Vikings, is a slave living in legendary Vinland. Two native bands, the Beothuck and the Thule, are also fighting over the land, thrusting the Norsemen into war. While the Vikings search for a new home, an accident at sea leaves Keira miraculously saved by a Beothuck warrior. Keira settles into the Beothuck way of life, learning their customs and coming to care for them. But she dreams of risking everything in order to find a way home. Ultimately, she is torn between the cultures in which she has livedher homeland, the Viking world in which she was welcomed, and her new Beothuck family. This is a thrilling adventure and an exciting introduction to the history of Canada."

We found notebooking elements and mini books from a couple different places...

Tina's dynamic homeschool plus blog- She has a great Viking unit including free printable lapbook! 

The Last Viking Returns- I found some great Rune worksheets on this page!

Homeschool share- Great lapbook templates, we used a file folder type in this unit.

The kidlets also found Norse Mythology fascinating in this unit...
 so we added some of that in as well!

Goober loved this book...

Usborne Illustrated Norse Myths (message me if you are looking for a copy!)

Sweet Pea enjoyed this one...

and then she really got into this series....

From the cover:
"Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers. One day, he’s tracked down by an uncle he barely knows—a man his mother claimed was dangerous. Uncle Randolph tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years.When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision.
Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . ."
They also enjoyed this audiobook...

From the cover:
"Odd meant the tip of a blade and it was a lucky name. In a village in ancient Norway lives a boy named Odd, and he’s had some very bad luck: His father perished in a Viking expedition; a tree fell on and shattered his leg; and the endless freezing winter is making villagers dangerously grumpy.
Now Odd is forced on a stranger journey than he had imagined—a journey to save Asgard, city of the gods, from the Frost Giants who have invaded it. It’s going to take a very special kind of twelve-year-old boy to outwit the Frost Giants, restore peace to the city of the gods, and end the long winter.
Someone cheerful and infuriating and clever . . .Someone just like Odd . . ."

To finish off this unit, we curled up on the couch with some popcorn and watched How to train your dragon.... which is totally not related, except they call themselves vikings :)  

The kidlets had way too much fun pointing out all the inaccuracies... but a great end to our unit!

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Roald Dahl Day!

We took a break from our usual routine and had a Roald Dahl day in honour of one of our favourite authors!!  
Today was his birthday... and so there were some fantastic free resources!

First we watched a Brainpop video all about Roald Dahl!

The kids did some worksheets from the Roald Dahl website
we loved the which character are you and what is your name!

When the kidlets were working together on the quiz and crossword puzzle 
they kept running to their room to get the right Dahl book to find the answer! 

 We found some great short videos of fairy tales retold by Dahl...
I had never seen them before.. so fun!
 And now I just need to get the books they are told from, 

For art the kids drew a picture of their favourite book or character 
and we may end up watching a  fun Roald Dahl movie tonight!!

The best part... I found the kids curled up on the couch 
rereading their favourite Dahl books!!

I think we may have to incorporate an author day more often!!
“There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours
you haven’t even started wondering about yet.”
Roald Dahl- James and the Giant Peach

Sunday 3 September 2017

Not back to school....

September is upon us and the back to school posts on facebook have started!  I have to say this is one of my favourite times of the year, homeschooling wise... the weather is still nice and our favourite spots have emptied out!!  So we are enjoying it and taking it pretty easy as we ease into a routine.  Hanging out in the hammock reading and going to the beach are perfectly acceptable ways of spending the day!

We always start the year with an all about me worksheet.... the kids love looking back at their old ones and I love how the answers change over time :)

I have been using this free download...  All about me poster for a number of years... 

Sweet Pea was looking for something a little more grownup this year... 
so this free download was just perfect...

 And having a record of how the kidlets see themselves is just priceless :)

Goober appears to think he is a minecraft ninja this year...

Complete with the minecraft type printing...

Sweet pea on the other hand is ready for her selfie....

 And always finds the most accurate words to describe herself....

 Hope everyone has a great not-back-to-school day!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Our curriculum choices 2017/18

Wow.. it is nearing the end of August… already!  Where did the summer go?!?!  My kidlets have finished up their summer workbooks and projects and are ready to start a new year.  Some people have asked me what that looks like when we homeschool year round… well part of it means cleaning up… organizing our homeschool closet, filing away projects and artwork, and restocking the kid’s bins with new workbooks, pencils, etc.

The kidlets love getting a new notebook, folder and some cute stickers :)

*Shameless Usborne plug-  I am an Usborne Consultant and would love to find you the perfect books to supplement your learning or help you develop an entire unit!  You can find my Usborne Consultant FacebookPage here or drop me a line!  But if you have a homeschool friend that is a consultant make sure to throw some business her way!*

Here is how our year is shaping up for units and curriculum… lining up with my philosophy of reading, writing and math everyday!
Sweet Pea is 11 years old and Goober is 8 years old.


Both kidlets work through the MathSmart workbooks.  I explain new concepts as needed and we use Khan Academy as a supplement when needed.

I love living math books… this is a great link to a wide variety of math topics..

The kidlets also love to play Prodigy math game.  I have to be careful not to help too much here as it adapts to the learner and will get difficult if I hep with answers ;)

Usborne books also has a great selection of math activity books. We are adding these to our bins this year….

 Language Arts

Goober will be starting cursive writing this year using Handwriting Without Tears.  
Sweet Pea will continue to develop her cursive using this neat workbook....

I love All About Spelling... I find we don't use the whole program... and because we do our own thing we can totally pick and choose what works!  So I usually only purchase the teacher's guide, The LearningHouse has been great at helping us find what we need!

Here are the books we are using for story writing this year... Usborne of course! 

For poetry inspiration we are loving A Crow Doesn't Need a Shadow...

Our book lists are usually quite long...
We always have a read aloud on the go and the kidlets have a book on the go...
Here is our current read aloud, we are really enjoying it- The Girl Who Drank the Moon

Sweet Pea is currently reading Raymie Nightingale by Kate DiCammilo, one of her favourite authors.

which will likely lead into a unit on astronomy and astronauts!

Goober is currently reading Fergus Crane (Far-Flung Adventures#1)
which will likely lead to a science unit on inventions!

Social Studies

We are continuing our study of Canadian History...
check out my blog posts to see how we are tackling this huge topic!
We have already covered First Nations and Vikings, next up Explorers, Fur Trade and Voyageurs!


Science is by far our most random subject.... we go where the questions and interest leads usAnything and everything is up for grabs... check out my science blogs!

Sweet Pea has spent the last few years working through chemistry, biology and physics so this year she is going to read The Magic of Reality and The Science of Why.  I'm guessing they will lead us down some great paths of learning :)

For Goober we are going to pick some Magic School Bus Chapter Books and make a unit study, a lapbook of the topic or even some lego stop motion animation :)

Together we are going to work through this book I was recommended...Two Truths and a Lie... 
I like how it incorporates science and critical thinking!


Now I'm not an art person... but my kidlets love it!  
We love ArtHub for Kids youtube channel for drawing, painting and folding tutorials, 
it really does give the kids a boost of confidence in their art skills.

We will also work through , free art lesson plans for kinder through Grade 5... we used it sporadically last year and I was really impressed with the projects! 


I am very grateful to my parents for sending me to french immersion when I was young...  however teaching my kids to speak french after more than a decade of practice is pretty interesting!  For french I find a varied approach seems to be working best for us.  We mix it up with nursery rhymes and simple songs, reading french pictures books, watching french tv shows, and simple worksheets.  French is most definitely our work in progress, however I have noticed the more consistent we are the more the kids pick up and retain... so my goal this year is a little something french everyday!

Hope everyone's homeschool planning is going well... 
and that you find some great resources that work for your family :)

Friday 28 July 2017

All about physics.....Part I

That was what my Sweet Pea suggested for science last year... all physics!  I have to admit this one was tricky... there are so many topics and lots to potentially cover!  Sweet pea was 10 and Goober was 7 when we did this unit.

Sweet Pea did a physics interactive notebook (our first!)... see below for pictures.  Goober did an activity here and there, mostly he listened to the books, watched the videos and did the experiments, definitely not as much writing as Sweet Pea... but he learned tons!

Here is how we broke it down....
Part I
Big Bang
Forces and Motion

Part II - separate post!
Simple machines

We used Usborne's book What's Physics All About? as a spine...

I love this book also from Usborne, 365 Science Activities many an experiment was taken directly from this book!

We also used Brainpop Junior and Brainpop videos/activities/quizzes.  *Note* Brainpop is a subscription based website.. several DL schools will have a subscription you can access... if not I highly recommend adding it to your homeschooling budget, it is worth every penny!!

I also used a number of printables from TeachersPayTeachers.... Sweet Pea wanted some notebooking elements that I was too lazy to make!

The Big Bang was as good a spot as any to start the study of matter and its motion and behaviour through space and time...

We read through our spine book and watched some great videos....

Brainpop- Big Bang
The Big Bang- Crash Course Astronomy

There are a few picture books about the Big Bang... I didn't delve into too much detail.. you could probably spend awhile on this topic... maybe a future unit when my kidlets are a bit older!

I do love this book however..The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins it has a chapter titled, When and how did everything begin?  A perfect reference for some of those tough questions!

Forces and Motion
We read the corresponding section in What's Physics all About? and then I ended up buying these notebooking pages from TeachersPayTeachers...  Force and Motion Interactive Notebook..

Great videos....
Brainpop Jr- Pushes and Pulls
Brainpop- Forces

Goober loved this book... lots of discussion about friction!

I overheard the kidlets at the park... pushing each other down the slide and talking about balanced vs unbalanced forces.... then some talk about friction!  The playground is the perfect place for physics experiments and demonstrations!

More great videos...
Bill Nye the Science Guy- Motion episode 
Brainpop- Gravity

Our scientist study was on Isaac Newton... we read this book aloud..Who was Isaac Newton?

Brainpop- Isaac Newton

We also did this activity on Isaac Newton...  I like that it was only $3 and had a couple difficulty levels so I could use it for both kidlets..

There are loads of experiments for Newton's Laws of Motion... here are a couple...

First Law- Inertia
An object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts on it.
Kick a ball...  push a toy car..... sit on a swing :)

Second Law- Force = Mass x Acceleration
The bigger the force the more something will accelerated.  The more mass something has the bigger the force needed to make it accelerate.
Use two books... a light one and a heavy one- try to push with one finger.
Weigh two toy cars and send them down a ramp, time how fast they go... compare the weight, speed and distance :)

Third Law- Reaction
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
We made balloon cars... so much fun!  Similar to this one but we used cardstock to make the car....

We read the corresponding sections on light in What Physics is All About?  I found this great printable on the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

 Great videos... 
Bill Nye the Science Guy- Light Optics, Bending and Bouncing

Great experiments if you have a prism... or we did some out of the Usborne 365 Science Activities.... bending straws, flipping arrows... fun!

More videos....
Brainpop- Rainbows
Brainpop- Colour
Bill Nye the Science Guy- Light and Colour 
The Magic School Bus is also a great resource for light and rainbows!

We also love this song, RoyGBiv by They Might Be Giants!
Summer is a great time to find rainbows in the sprinkler... and rainbow art is always fun!

We read the corresponding sections in What Physics is All About?

Great videos....

Bill Nye the Science Guy- Sound episode
Brainpop- Waves
Brainpop- Sound

Our scientist study was on Isaac Newton... we read this book aloud.....Who was Alexander Graham Bell?

We also did this activity on Alexander Graham Bell....  I like that it was free and had a couple difficulty levels so I could use it for both kidlets..


The kidlets made a string phone.... and then proceeded to tell each other jokes..... so much fun!

Make sure to watch a thunderstorm....
 nothing demonstrates the speed of sound vs light better than a good thunderstorm :)

Stay tuned for Part II!