Sunday 3 September 2017

Not back to school....

September is upon us and the back to school posts on facebook have started!  I have to say this is one of my favourite times of the year, homeschooling wise... the weather is still nice and our favourite spots have emptied out!!  So we are enjoying it and taking it pretty easy as we ease into a routine.  Hanging out in the hammock reading and going to the beach are perfectly acceptable ways of spending the day!

We always start the year with an all about me worksheet.... the kids love looking back at their old ones and I love how the answers change over time :)

I have been using this free download...  All about me poster for a number of years... 

Sweet Pea was looking for something a little more grownup this year... 
so this free download was just perfect...

 And having a record of how the kidlets see themselves is just priceless :)

Goober appears to think he is a minecraft ninja this year...

Complete with the minecraft type printing...

Sweet pea on the other hand is ready for her selfie....

 And always finds the most accurate words to describe herself....

 Hope everyone has a great not-back-to-school day!

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