Thursday 9 February 2017

Welcome to the new blog!

I've decided to have a blog dedicated to my homeschool posts... that way they can be shared more widely and I can keep my personal posts and pictures of my kidlets more private.

So feel free to share and comment!  I'm excited I have this outlet to share our learning experiences, write about home learning and help other homeschoolers :)

Bear with me while I transfer over my favourite unit studies and make sure the links are all valid... if you come across any expired links, please let me know!


  1. Is it possible to be on an email list for your posts? I love them, but don't check fb frequently.

    1. Hi! Certainly! Over on the right hand of the page there is a link that says follow by email, enter your address and you will be notified when there is a new post! Thanks for reading :)
