Tuesday 14 March 2017

Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!!  Let's celebrate 3.14159.....

Our favourite book for this day is Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi...

Here is a link to the Youtube reading of the book... 

One of our favourite Youtube channels has a couple episodes all about pi, check out SciShow!

We loved this worksheet and activity set from For the Love of Teaching Math...  so much fun and free to download and print!

Goober enjoyed making a Lego depiction of pi....

Sweet Pea though this cootie catcher, from Teaching is a gift blog, all about pi was math-tastic!  

Just for fun we also watched this Cyberchase episode about pi!

Finish off your day with some cheeseburger pie for dinner... and I have celiac so it is gluten free!

For dessert we had chocolate cream pie in a gluten free crust.... yum!

My kidlets wish it was pi day everyday!

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