Wednesday 2 January 2019

Card games galore!

Over the last few years I've heard of this thing called gameschooling... it's such a simple concept.... use games in your schooling, I feel like most homeschoolers already do it!

We like to have fun Friday, although it usually ends up being 
whatever day we need a little break and out come the games!

Here are a few of our favourite card games... I've included a couple of oldies but goodies and a few you need to check out!

Good old fashioned Crib....  we have a crib board stashed away in the house, trailer and truck!

UNO never gets old and is always a good time!

Science Ninjas: Valence card game.... this one is right up my alley... a chemistry card game where you collect elements to build molecules.. beware the acids and bases!!

Sushi Go!.... I like the strategy involved in this one.. it's a quick collect and pass card game, and don't forget adding up the points!  Perfect for the sushi lovers out there... or for those of us that don't know anything about sushi... I now know that wasabi is good, if you like extra points!!

Spiral at ... I love this game!  Let the kids pick their favourite Lego mini fig as a token and move around the card spiral using all your multiplication skills!

Bring your own Book....  this game changes every time you play it... as the name suggests you bring a book and then find lines to match a wide variety of prompts!   I love to theme it up... or let the kids go wild!  Goober says Calvin and Hobbes comics work best, while Sweet Pea will usually pick up a Rick Riordan book :)

Bears vs Babies... so this is a new addition to our house... Goober loves it!!  He can make an assortment of interesting monsters to defeat a variety of really odd baby armies.... what can I say... it's a hit!  And to be perfectly honest, any game that has a water bear card has already won me over ;)

What are some of your favourite card games?

1 comment:

  1. We're just starting our homeschooling journey, but games are definitely a favourite. You mentioned a few we haven't tried yet so I'll have to look them up. My kids also love Exploding Kittens and Yatzi (one of my faves to play with them).
