Sunday 2 July 2017

Charlotte's Web

I wrote this post the summer of 2014... the kidlets, Goober and Sweet Pea, were 4 and 7 years old.

We had a busy summer and did a book unit on Charlotte's Web... it was so much fun.
Mostly because Charlotte'sWeb by E.B. White ranks among my favourite books!!

I read the book aloud, partially for Goober's benefit but also because I love that we can share the book together.  The kidlets usually colour, work on a craft or build Lego while I'm reading... most often outside in the grass!

So what kind of activities do I pair with Charlotte's Web?  Farms of course, lots of other books about farms including Goober's favourite Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that type.  Then we moved on to pigs and finally spiders!  We watched a great BBC documentary, Life in the Undergrowth, which has a fantastic episode about spiders.

And since it is summer I reluctantly agreed to Sweet Pea's request to do some paper mache, everybody needs a Wilbur piggy bank.  It did however take a lot longer and was more work than I anticipated, Goober lost interest after day 2 :o)  Although they were super cute.....

Some pig slop for a snack with consisted of chocolate pudding, cereal, raisins and M&Ms!  Finally after the book was done... the kidlets loved it by the way... we cuddled up on the couch with some popcorn and watched the movie. (Charlotte's Web 2006)

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