Saturday 14 April 2018

All about coral reefs.....

Goober announced the other day that he would like to go to the Great Barrier Reef!  
As much as I would love to fulfill this request... 
for my benefit as much as his.... it isn't happening anytime soon.

How about learning all about coral reefs?  
Would that satisfy your curiosity in the meantime?  
The answer was a disappointed yes... so I jumped all over that!

Luckily it doesn't hurt my feelings to put together another science unit... 

 Here is how we do it:
 1. Read a chapter or two of a related book
2. Complete one or two lapbook elements per day
3.  Watch some great videos and documentaries
4. Assemble the lapbook
5. Finish off with a great 'fun' movie night!

My favourite free lapbook website (Homeschool share) set us up with a perfect lapbook!

Here are the books we used:

Magic School Bus Chapter Book- The Fishy Field Trip


And any other great books you can find at your local library!

Here are some of the great videos we watched: 

Crash Course Kids- The Life Hydrologic

It's not a science unit without a Sir David Attenborough documentary.....

Here is a sample of the finished lapbook!

Movie night- Finding Nemo of course!

Enjoy discovering coral reefs!

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