Friday 13 April 2018

Book Spine Poetry

April is National Poetry Month in Canada... did you know that? 

I did not.... but while I was raving about the cool poetry project I was thinking of doing with the kids I was schooled by our local librarian!

As you have probably figured out by now, I am not a language arts type of person... 
sure we read and write but beyond that, I'm kinda hopeless!!

Luckily there are great free resources out there... I rediscovered this website the other day.. a free site with tips and poetry lessons for kids?!?!  Fantastic!

There was a great post about creating book spine poetry.... right up our alley! 
 So we gathered a ridiculous number of books from our unnatural book collection and went to work... 

The kidlets had a blast and came up with some neat poems... what a great perspective!!  

We loved this... I highly suggest you try it out!!  

The only downside was the massive clean up of books when we were ;)

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